Welcome to MultiXscale!

MultiXscale is a EuroHPC JU Centre of Excellence in multiscale modelling. It is a collaborative 4-year project between the CECAM network and EESSI that will allow domain scientists to take advantage of the computational resources that will be offered by EuroHPC.

You can download our poster here

Partner Networks

CECAM (Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire)

CECAM is a scientific network started in 1969 to promote fundamental research on advanced computational methods.
It provides the scientific backbone to support the project with three showcase areas for multiscale modelling:

  1. helicopter design and certification
  2. battery applications for sustainable energy
  3. ultrasound for non-invasive diagnostics
EESSI (European Environment for Scientific Software Installations)

EESSI is an HPC community effort to build a common stack of scientific software installations for HPC systems.

It provides the technical backbone to the project, including CI/CD capabilities and hardware support across EuroHPC resources.

EESSI aims to reduce the technical burden on developers and end-users of scientific applications.

Funded by the European Union, the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) and countries participating in the project under grant agreement No 101093169.

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