Extrae available in EESSI

Thanks to the work developed under MultiXscale CoE we are proud to announce that as of 22 July 2024, Extrae v4.2.0 is available in the EESSI production repository software.eessi.io, optimized for the 8 CPU targets that are fully supported by version 2023.06 of EESSI. This allows using Extrae effortlessly on the EuroHPC systems where EESSI is already available, like Vega and Karolina.

It is worth noting that from that date Extrae is also available in the EESSI RISC-V repository risv.eessi.io.

Extrae is a package developed at BSC devoted to generate Paraver trace-files for a post-mortem analysis of applications performance. Extrae is a tool that uses different interposition mechanisms to inject probes into the target application so as to gather information regarding the application performance. It is one of the tools used in the POP3 CoE.

The work to incorporate Extrae into EESSI started early in May. It took quite some time and effort but has resulted in a number of updates, improvements and bug fixes for Extrae. For full details of the work, see the extended EESSI blog post.

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