Steering Committee

  • Matej Praprotnik (NIC)
  • Neja Šamec (NIC)
  • Alan O`Cais (UB)
  • Ignacio Pagonabarraga (UB)
  • David Tur (HPCNow!)
  • Sara Bonella (CECAM)

General Assembly

  • Matej Parptotnik (NIC)
  • Godehard Sutmann (FZJ)
  • Rudol Weeber (USTUTT)
  • Ignacio Pagonabarraga (UB)
  • Caspar van Leeuwen (SURF)
  • Bob Dröge (RUG)
  • Lara Peeters (UGent)
  • Thomas Röblitz (UiB)
  • Roger Ferrer (BSC)
  • Mathieu Salanne (Sorbonne uni)
  • David Tur (HPCNow!)
  • Carlo Cavazzoni (Leonardo)
  • Sauro Succi (IIT)

Associate partners

  • Céline Merlet (Toulouse University)
  • Massimo Bernaschi (CNR)
  • Burkhard Duenweg (MPIP)

MultiXscale Consortium structure

  • WP1 – Developing a Central Platform for Scientific Software on Emerging Exascale Technologies
  • WP2 – Preparation and optimization of community software codes toward the Exascale-readiness
  • WP3 – Development and efficient implementation of interfaces for coupling different length scales
  • WP4 – Multiscale/physics workflows for sustainable industrial design: aerodynamics, materials and biomedical devices
  • WP5 – Building, Supporting and Maintaining a Central Shared Stack of Optimized Scientific Software Installations
  • WP6 – Community outreach, education, and training
  • WP7 – Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication
  • WP8 – Management and Coordination
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