Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2024 – ASHPC24
Our coordinator, Matej Praprotnik, gave a talk and presented MultiXscale poster at the Austrian-Slovenian HPC…
MultiXscale at ISC Hamburg, May 2024
Several members of MultiXscale CoE participated from 12 to 16 May at the ISC High…
ESPResSo Summer School, “Simulating soft matter across scales”, October 7-11, 2024, Stuttgart, Germany
We invite all interested to attend the ESPResSo summer school “Simulating soft matter across scales”…
All-Hands Meeting in Slovakia, 2024
The All-Hands Meeting held in Slovakia from April 22-24, 2024, was a resounding success, bringing…
4th Baltic HPC and Cloud Computing Conference
MultiXscale CoE contributed with a poster at the 4th Baltic HPC and Cloud Computing Conference,…
deRSE24 – Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany, Würzburg
Author: Jean-Noël GradThe German RSE association (de-RSE) organises a yearly event to foster synergies between…
MultiXscale at EuroHPC Summit in Antwerp, Belgium
During the week of 18-21 March 2024, the EuroHPC community will be gathering the Antwerp…
Lhumos – The innovative e-learning platform
Given the increasing demand for coding skills in the technology industry, there is a crucial…
HPC Tech Shorts – Making scientific software EESSI and fast