
Lhumos – The innovative e-learning platform

Given the increasing demand for coding skills in the technology industry, there is a crucial need to enhance code usage and provide training on various methods in High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments. Developed with the support of MaX, CECAM, MARVEL, MultiXscale, and DOME4.0, Lhumos (Learning HUb for MOdeling and Simulation) stands as a groundbreaking educational platform. It is specifically designed to support the upskilling of students, scientists, and industrial users in HPC applications within the material sciences domain. Tailored for both early-career and advanced scientists, this e-learning platform consolidates a wealth of resources. It includes videos, lectures, codes, tutorials, seminars, and exercises covering diverse subjects such as electronic structure calculations, molecular dynamics, high-performance computing, and code optimization. To introduce the Lhumos project and showcase its various sections and materials, an online presentation is scheduled for January 15 at 2 pm CET. The agenda for the event is as follows: You can join the webinar online at https://epfl.zoom.us/j/65060242920?pwd=S3Raa0tqTWNoNDRpT2hJM3k0ZHhldz09. Stay tuned for more upcoming events, workshops, and learning opportunities as Lhumos continues to bridge the gap between theory and application, academia, and industry.

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